Poetry Sometimes

Sometimes Lord,
it seems as if,
I am in a mine field,
not sure where to step,
if it were not for You.
So many dangers out there,
trying to convince me,
to make improper choices.
People scoff at my faith,
say we are dreamers and extreme.
However, let me ask the scoffer,
just what do you think,
is going to happen to you after you die?
Do you think you will be rewarded,
for your unbelief?
What promise of eternal happiness have you?
Don't leave your future,
in the hands of ignorant stubborn pride.
Open your heart to Him,
for He is calling out to you.

Marc Fournier ( S29-395 )
Yes, well said. It boggles the mind sometimes, but Jesus said it would be so. How exciting is it though when we see God bring the fruits of that conversation to salvation?

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